Saturday, 11 April 2020

The Power of The Word

I read recently the biography of William Carey, Missionary to India, written by his great grandson, S. Pearce Carey. In it he tells a story of how William Ward, Carey's fellow missionary and printer of the Bengali Bible. Ward left one of the copies behind in a village some distance from Serampore, completely by mistake. It was found by a high caste Hindu, he read it and then he re read it, then he read it to others. Over time he made his way to Serampore, a converted man seeking baptism. He was not alone he came with other converts seeking to be baptised and they kept coming.
I found this story encouraging and then a few days later I went to the store and saw this:

This was in Tescos Inverness, without doubt the best thing I've ever seen for sale in a Supermarket, and it was free. The reason it's the best thing is it's the only thing that can bring you to the God who transforms lives. If God can take the Bible translated into Bengali and use it on it's own to convert some High Caste Hindu who had never met a Christian before, God can take these Bibles translated into England and use it to bring people to Himself. Especially as the Western world and the moment is in lock down due to a virus. Spurgeon said, 'The veil between life and eternity is thin when death walks the street.'

Who knows what God will do by His word even this day?


Stephen <><

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