Saturday, 11 April 2020

Steven Lawson-Holiness part 2

Woops, found this in drafts:

At the Scottish Reformed Conference on the 12th of May Steven Lawson took us through Holiness in the Old Testament in the morning and in the New Testament in the afternoon. 

He started with a quote from Thomas Watson's A Body of Divinity 'The holiness of God is the brightest jewel in the crown of God'. God's holiness is as the centre of all His attributes, His righteousness is Holy righteousness, His wrath is holy wrath, His mercy is Holy mercy, everything about Him is holy. His word is holy. 

In the sermon on the Mount Jesus says we are called to be perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect. It's a restatement of Leviticus, 'Be Holy because I am Holy' Perfect is a synonym of holiness.
All God's ways are perfect, perfection is the standard He has set for all of us. And He will not drop the standard one iota. He doesn't grade on the curve- we are not measured against each other but against Him and His perfection.
Matt 6.9- Our Father in Heaven, though He is Father He is in Heaven, high and lifted up, His name is hallowed that is Holy.
Luke 1:35 The Holy Spirit, is Holy, the seed born is Holy, produces the Holy child, the God-man, Holy Deity added to Holy humanity. Gabriel comes from the Most High, another name for Holy- (High and lifted up again). See this one who is Holy, separate and different, He enters into our world, becoming our Saviour, no wonder the Shepherds are able to worship, not out of intellectual vacuum or anti theological way but because of Who He is. He is perfect in all His ways. The one who is separate is OUR Saviour.

In the temptation Christ makes His stand on the word,, not to show that He didn't sin, But that He cannot sin! Holy humanity and deity, he was incapable of sinning

We have several unlikely testimonies to the holiness of God.

A demon:
Luke 4:34. The unclean spirit calls out after Jesus, 'we know who you are the Holy One of God' Dr Lawson said the demon has a better testimony of than Professors of liberal theology.

A fisher man

So does Peter (Luke 5:8) he realises that he is the presence of Holy God and knows himself to be a sinner, he is undone, the light exposes those things that are contrary to God.  We sin less (though we are not sinless). However you are aware, painfully aware of the holiness of God and your moral failures.

Pilate: 'I find no guilt in Him'
the thief on the cross 'this man has done nothing wrong;
the centurion observes 'surely this is the Son of God'

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