Sunday, 20 May 2018

The Gospel on Display

I watched the Royal Wedding yesterday a wonderful event, on BBC the presenters were from every part of the UK, England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Also the presenters represented modern Britain with people from various ethnic groups celebrating a very British event. It was also wonderful to see people from all over the Commonwealth and elsewhere in the world all celebrating together. This reminds me of the beautiful picture we see in Revelation 6 people from every tribe, tongue and people group.  The event itself reminded me very much of the Gospel, firstly we know that the bride Meghan Markle (now Windsor) was a divorcee and that had been living with her boyfriend the Prince for several months. Yet she was dressed in a beautiful spotless white dress, rather than wearing cream or off white of some sort, and she looked absolutely stunning.  It reminded me of the fact that in the Gospel we have a past but that it is done away because as Ephesians 5 says, Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her, (dying on the cross, to save us from our sins) so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, to present her spotless and without blemish to Himself.

I was reminded of the Gospel in that she as an American is a citizen of a different country, also her ancestor was put to death for treason by Harry's ancestor Henry the 8th. At the start of the walk down the aisle she was an outsider but the heir to the throne son of the Monarch went and collected her to deliver her to her spouse, no longer an outsider, and she becomes more than a citizen as she joins the Royal family going from an outsider to a member of the establishment. Col 1:13 says that the Father takes us and transfers us from the domain of darkness into the Kingdom of his beloved Son. 

Then the words that Henry, 5th in line for the throne said to his bride, all that I am I give to you, all that I have I share with you  also reminded of the Gospel, for as Paul says in v 12 of that same chapter, God the Father has qualified us to share in an inheritance of the saints in light. To share in His holiness- that's what saints means. Our inheritance as Christians is to be made holy and to dwell with God in His Kingdom as His family. 

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