Saturday, 5 May 2018

The Devil's Delusion

I recently heard Ravi Zacharias on youtube quoting from this book, it was an excellent quote and from the Dust Sleeve. I ordered a copy on that basis, however it was the paperback and didn't have the quote in its pages. 

Nonetheless this is an excellent book, written by a secular Jewish man who tells us early on he tried religion but it wouldn't take. It's surprising then that this book should even be written by such a man. It's clear from the end chapter that he hasn't thrown his hat in any ring regarding any world religion, yet he clearly understands that the new Atheist have built their house on a stack of cards that will blow over in the wind and doesn't stand up to scrutiny. 

Here a couple of my favourites from the book.

'If the laws of nature are neither necessary or simple, why, then, are they true?
Questions about the parameters and laws of physics form a single insistent question in thought: Why are things as they are when what they are seems anything but arbitrary?
One answer is obvious. It is the one that theologians have always offered: The universe looks like a put-up job because it is a put-up job. That this answer is obvious is no reason to think it false. nonetheless, the answer that common sense might suggest is deficient in one respect: It is emotionally unacceptable because a universe that looks like a put-up job puts off a great many physicists.
They have thus made every effort to find an alternative.
Did you imagine that science was a disinterested pursuit of the truth?
Well, you were wrong'  p112
See even this secular guy recognises what Paul says, they surpress the truth in unrighteousness. 

He quotes the new atheists at length when they dismiss the idea of the soul or mind. Here is his conclusion at the end of that section. 

We do not have a serious scientific theory explaining the powers and properties of the human mind.
The claim that the human mind is the product of evolution is not unassailable fact. It is barely coherent.
The idea that main is created in the image of God remains what is has always been: and that is the instinctive default position of the human race.'

I would commend this book to you.


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