I finished Tim Keller's 'The Reason for God' earlier this week, I am really pleased I have American family because the book isn't released yet in the UK (so thanks to my brother-in-law Tim for getting me this).
There are several great quotes in this book:
on Grace:
'Some years ago I met with a woman who began coming to church at Redeemer. She said that she had gone to church growing up and never before heard a distinction drawn between the gospel and religion. she had always heard that God accepts us only if we are good enough. She said that the new message was scary. I asked her why and she replied:
if I was saved by my good works then there would be a limit to what God could ask of me or put me through. I would be like a taxpayer with "rights"- I would have done my duty and now I would deserve a certain quality of life. But if I am a sinner saved by sheer grace-then there's nothing he cannot ask of me.' Keller p.182-3
This reminds me of a story I heard on Christian radio in the States a few years ago. Abraham Lincoln as a young man was at a slave market. a Young black woman was for sale, Lincoln was already opposed to slavery but he started bidding. Lincoln out bid all the other bidders and so I bought the young woman. He told her that she was now free to go wherever she wanted and she replied "then I will go with you". I am not sure if that story is true but how like the gospel, we were slaves in debt to God and God paid out price for us. We have our freedom and we cannot replay our debt to God but our response to grace should be one of wonderful obedience to such amazing grace.
in His grip and in His grace
I got my copy on Amazon within 4 days, I don't know if they had to ship it from the USA. Looking forward to reading it.
Hi Jonathan,
I think I recognise the name of your church have we been in touch recently? I hope you enjoy the book as much as I did!
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