I have two friends, both young but serious Christians who just happen to be blond. Now I would never make racist or sexist comments but as I was blond before my hair departed I feel I can make blond comments especially when they are true.
Rhona saw Buffalo Wings in a Pizza place and asked "Do Buffalo really have wings"
Both Annie and Rhona did some church history and said on separate occasions. Oh, I know who John Knox is, "he is really old now isn't he?" (I know Rhona mean't John Stott but I have no idea what Annie was thinking).
They have both become legends at HTC!
dude, I am so glad that I am not blond! Annie's Bebo profile has a lot of er, interesting blond moments also! hope everything with you is good!
Hi Eilidh,
I never knew I could spell your name (it did help that I can see your comment so I can cheat).
Do you still do your blog?
Im not so sure who are the blondE ones Im sure its spelt with an e at the end dear bruv!
Its amazing that God can put so much wisdom and ditziness into one girl
hello Stephen
I haven't blogged for ages but it's on my to do list.
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