This morning in our worship time Dr Jamie Grant lead us through Paul's prayer for the Ephesians in chapter 1:15 and following. In his introduction he asked:
How do you feel when someone tells you they'll pray for you?
We have all said it and sometimes we don't follow through.
How about when someone says "They have been praying for you"?
That is different isn't it. How about when they tell you what they have been praying for you. He encouraged us to do this, he said when he was at Reformed Theological Seminary. His New Testament professor said this was Paul's method, Paul always told people that he was praying for them and what he was praying for them. Jamie said we should follow this practise, when we pray for missionaries or anyone else, we should write them a note and tell them how we have prayed for them.
Dr Grant reminded us that it is'The Father of glory' to whom we pray that He is the creator of the heavens and earth, and we can come to Him as Father because He cares for us. He is also almighty and therefore our prayers should reflect this, quite often it appears that from our prayers that our God is a little God. We should remember to whom we pray and pray great big prayers to a great big God, then our prayers will be used by Him to change the world for Him.
God Bless
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