I didn't get to see the Passion part 3 on Friday but it was repeated this afternoon. I noticed again there was no miracles, apart from that it was pretty good.
I liked the trial of Jesus where opinion was divided about Jesus and the destruction of the Temple, one member of the council said, I know what he said, but surely he wasn't referring to the Temple, it was a parable. They covered Pilate pretty well, including his wife's dream. Pilate really seemed torn, yet I don't know why they didn't include him washing his hands. I liked the way Caiaphas was one step ahead of Pilate and made sure the mob who were gathered were faithful to the Temple and so were ready to shout for Barabbas. I still got frustrated that the BBC Jesus doesn't quote Jesus very often. This was especially evident at the cross, where the thief on the cross asked Jesus to remember him when he comes into the kingdom but Jesus ignored him. There was also not victorious cry from the cross On a positive note unlike the 50's passion movies, Jesus truly suffers on the cross, and not just physically.
There was no darkness at the cross, no curtain torn in two, it seemed that Jesus might have been deluded about being the Messiah. There is a part 4 so hopefully it will cover the resurrection faithfully. We shall see! One thing is certain, whether the BBC cover it or not He is risen!
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