I recently read Barry Seagren's article in the March edition of Evangelicals Now. This is an excellent article in many ways comparing Evangelicalism with Islamic Fundamentalism. Seagren points out there are a number of similarities between conservative Christianity and Islamic Fundamentalism. For example, we both disagree with Western decadence, and are both serious about living for the faith. Yet, Seagren accepts Richard Dawkins' definition of a fundamentalist, someone who will hold on to their beliefs in spite of all the evidence to the contrary, Seagren says he is 'guilty as charged'. This disturbs me, I had a conversation last year with a lady who was surprised to find me say, 'if they could prove Jesus body had not been raised, then I would walk away from the faith.' Christianity unlike Islam is a reasonable faith, the evidence points in the direction of God and of the resurrection. Seagren's concluding remarks, 'Are we fundamentalists? Yes, we are, in the best and most basic sense of the term, and let's not lose our nerve on this one.' I realise that some evangelicals are fundamentalists, and one hundred years ago (if the term had been invented) I would subscribe to that term. However historically evangelicals are distinct from the fundamentalists who have their own doctrinal views, that I as a British Evangelical do not subscribe to especially dispensationalism and their premil eschatology. Evangelicals do not withdraw from society as do fundamentalists (both of an Islamic and Christian kind), but seek to change culture to the glory of God.
I believe the Bible to be the inerrant word of God in its original autographs,I believe in creation in six literal days. I believe that Jesus was born of a virgin, that He is the eternal Word who was with God and is Himself God. I believe in His atoning death and resurrection, I desire to live for God and to bring others to know Him. I believe the fundamentals of the faith. I am an evangelical not a fundamentalist.
God Bless
Stephen Barton