My fourth year thesis is going to be on Jonathan Edwards on sin. You might have observed that my good friend David Kirk and I completely disagree on the place of sin in the believers life. I was just reading Edwards and found this.
Again, that sin which is remaining in the hearts of the best of men on earth, makes it evident, that man's nature is corrupt, as he comes into the world. A remaining depravity of heart in the greatest of saints, may be argued from the sins of most of those who are set forth in Scripture as the most eminent instances and examples of virtue and piety: and is also manifest from this, that the Scriptures represents all God's children as standing in need of chastisement. (Heb.12: 6.7,8), "For whom the Lord loveth, he chasteneth and scourgeth every son whom he recieveth... what son is he, whom the father chasteneth not? if ye are without chastisement ... then are ye bastards, and not sons." But this is directly and fully asserted in some places; as in Eccles.7:20: "There is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good and sinneth not." Which is as much to say, there is no man on earth, that is just, as to have attained to such a degree of righteousness,, as not to commit any sin. Yea, the Apostle speaks of all Christians as often sinning, or committing many sins; even in the primitive age of the Christian church, an age distinguished from all others by eminent attainments in holiness; (James 3:2) " In many things we all offend." And that there is pollution in the hearts of all, as the remainder of moral filth that was there antecedent to all attempts of means for purification.
Jonathan Edwards, Original Sin (New Haven and London: Yale),P. 137-8.
have a Blessed day, in Him
Piper said 'I don't just do bad things, I am bad'. Your dedication to Piper and the Puritans is stopping you from engaging with the NT. But here I officially cease from this discussion!
thanks for your closing comments, I honestly declare that I am dedicated to the theological understanding of the Puritans but that is because they are biblical. Whilst I realise Romans 7 is open to interpretation I hold that Paul's struggle is the sanctified nature at war with the flesh, and he has not won. Paul was bad and so am I. love
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