Friday, 29 December 2017

Richard Sibbes- Christ the servant

Is the Lord Christ a servant? This should teach is not to stand upon any terms. If Christ had stood upon terms, if he had refused to take upon him the shape of a servant, alas! Where had we and our salvation been? And yet wretched creatures, we think ourselves too good to do God and our brethren any service. Christ stood not upon his greatness, but, being equal with God, he became a servant. Oh! We should dismount from the tower of our conceited excellency. The heart of man is a proud creature, a proud piece of flesh. Men stand upon their distance. What! Shall I stop to him? I am thus and thus. We should descend from the heaven of our conceits, and take upon us the form of servants, and abase ourselves to do good to others, even to any, and account it an honour to do any good to others in the place we are in.  Christ did not think himself too good to leave heaven to conceal and veil his majesty under the veil of our flesh, to work our redemption, to bring us out of the cursed estate we were in. 

Richard Sibbes- A Description of Christ works page 8/9

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