As a middle class very educated woman with a very different lifestyle to my own working class background we have little in common aside from the fact we are both first generation believers. In the book she outlines the clash of culture that many of us first generation believers experience when we enter the Christian community, which often times is a safe little bubble protected from the real world. This is a great shame we have been called out of darkness not to hide in a bubble but to proclaim Christ to a hurting world. Rosaria found and still finds some aspects of the Christian culture a struggle and very different to biblical Christianity. She tells us at one point a Christian lady is horrified and very uncomfortable with Rosaria's past, she points out that people like this are comfortable with Rahab and Mary Magdalene (Mary Magdalene clearly has a past but nothing is said of it, just that demons were caste out) in the pages of scripture but are not willing to see messed up people in church. This is the rub we are all messed up people we shouldn't think too highly of ourselves.
Rosaria married a trainee pastor and they ministered (served) college students and then extended their family by adoption. Even this led to a deep intake of breath as she faced at times a backlash from Christians who were offended by the colour of her family.
My admiration for her and her family has grown through the reading of this book, at one point it is clear that she and her husband Kent have a lot on their plate through trying to reach out, she said "we are not inconvenienced by inconvenience" .
Since finishing the book yesterday, I want to work on my prejudices which aren't the same as the ones she encountered but nonetheless are very real and I am challenged to pray that I will not be "inconvenienced by inconvenience" but take it in my stride as ministry opportunities.
God Bless
Stephen <><
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