The movie is more about their developing relationship than the debate so I wish I had read the book before watching the movie. They are both honest, passionate and have a deep sense that this issue is an important one. Hitchens is not as militant as Dawkins and both he and Wilson have a real rapport with each other. It was good to see them laughing together at a meal or chatting in a bar. Although I would have liked to see more of the debate they both raise interesting questions. Hitchens challenges the goodness of God because of the Divine ban, where God commanded Moses and later Joshua to destroy the Amalekites. Hitchens finds this repulsive and Doug Wilson never answers this to Hitchens' satisfaction. Wilson respects Hitchens' morality but asks him to give a foundation for his belief in right and wrong, including how he can find something God does as wrong without relying on a borrowed Christian morality. Christopher Hitchens never gives Wilson a satisfactory answer to this question.
I have attended several of these types of debates but 'Collision' offered a glimpse of the personalities behind the debate. They are both likable smart guys with big personalities and have a real respect for each other. Believe it or not the movie is fast paced and exciting.
I have added the book to my list of must reads!
God Bless <><
Stumbled on your blog this morning and enjoyed the entry on Collision. I was unfamiliar with this, but will definitely look for the book and the movie. Last night, one of my sons and I had a phone conversation about the Coen Brothers recent film, A Serious Man. Loosely based on the book of Job, we debated the theology, or if any, in the film. It is an interesting work regardless.
Also, paused further, when I noticed the origin of your blog; my family originally came from Gate house of Fleet, Scotland,(still relatives there, McCulloch; and Thompson originated there, we know, but not exactly sure where) and though I have not visited that particular area, I have been up the Eastern side of Scotland to various places and over to the Orkney Islands. Hope someday to return as I have enjoyed Scotland each time I've been there.
I will look forward to reading your blog in the future. Thank you.
Hi I realise I never said hello, so welcome.
Scotland is very beautiful although it does seem the sun stops rising for winter. It has a very rich heritage if you ever come back you have to visit Edinburgh it's the prettiest city in the UK maybe even the world. Your from TN? A good church round the corner has a good connection with TN. My wife's granny is originally from there she is wonderful the matriarch of the family.
I just came back to look up the CJ Mahaney book you mentioned and saw your post back to me. I have been to Edinburgh and would agree it is beautiful and one of my favorite cities in the world. My husband and I spent our second anniversary there and it was his first time to Scotland. He loved it. I am actually from NM, transplanted here, Memphis, by marriage, but enjoying the journey. Thanks for the post on the Mahaney book. Definite on my reading list now! Are you familiar with Mark Batterson? _In A Pit, With A Lion, on a Snowy Day_, is one of his, an inspiring read, and just downloaded his new one this morning, _Primal: A Quest for the Lost Soul of Christianity_. You might like it. Have a great one!
Is NM New Mexico I have sort of been to New Mexico but only standing on a place at the four corners so I was in New Mexico, Arizona. Utah and Colorado all at the same time.
I haven't heard of Mark Batterson I'll look out for him, I better not add him to my list at the moment though as our house isn't big enough for all the books I do have. :(
God Bless
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