I was reminded yesterday of Jonathan Edwards connection to several great movements of God even after his death. Firstly, Edwards had a good connection with the first Scottish Presbyterian split they offered each other mutual encouragement when Edwards was fired from his job and the disruptionist group left the Church of Scotland. Edwards was sent a copy of a little Scottish book on prayer, this influenced his book "A Call to United Extraordinary Prayer.." which was very influential in stirring revivial again after Edwards' death, influencing both in his native America and here in Britain.
After his death Edwards influence continued amongst Scottish Presbyterian splits, Thomas Chalmers one of the leaders of the Free Church of Scotland said, 'My theology is that of Jonathan Edwards.' In the only Free Church I have attended regularly there is still a feeling of Edwards warm vibrant Calvinism.
In England the Particular Baptists were caught up in the snare of hyper Calvinism it was through the rediscovery of the Calvinism of Jonathan Edwards that revealed to them a more evangelical Calvinism and created the environment for the modern missionary movement by influencing people like William Carey.
In the C20th the Welsh preacher Martyn Lloyd Jones was greatly influenced by Jonathan Edwards and MLJ himself influenced a generation of evangelical ministers.
In the USA, John Gerstner, R. C. Sproul and John Piper have created a new generation of Edwards disciples, this is a good thing as Edwards offers a robust warm Calvinism.
Long may his legacy continue!
God Bless
Stephen <><
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