'This forced and artificial religion is commonly heavy and languid, like the motion of a weight forced upward: it is cold and spiritless, like the uneasy compliance of a wife married against her will, who carries It dutifully toward the husband whom she doth not love, out of some sense of virtue or honour.'
'I come next to give an account why I designed it by the name of Divine life; and so it may be called, not only in regard to its fountain and original, having God for its author and being wrought in the souls of men by the power of His Holy Spirit; but also in regard of its nature, religion being a resemblance of the Divine perfections, the image of the Almighty shining in the soul of man; nay, it is a real participation of his nature, it is a beam if the eternal light, a drop of that infinite ocean of goodness; and they who are endued with it, may be said to have "God dwelling in their souls", and "Christ formed within them." '
In spite of the Old language and the long sentences, this is as Piper rightly says on his blurb, ' a remarkable book.'
This is an excellent little book.
God Bless
Piper led me in this direction as well, and he was right. Quite remarkable. If only we could get the minds of today to think this way!
Hi Christopher,
Thanks for stopping by, how did you find me?
God Bless
I believe I found you while using Google to reference praying for others and found your "Remembering You In Prayer" blog.
I enjoy your thought provoking discussions, and hope you din't mind me stoping by from time to time.
A wonderful book! My copy was a gift from Ernest Reisinger in 1973 whose motto was, "Sell your bed and buy a book!" It is a treasure (for two shillings, InterVarsity Fellowship.)
btw, I see you are in Inverness.
Do you have fellowship with Pastor Jack Seaton? http://www.reformation-scotland.org.uk/
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