I have just read an interesting article from CT called 'Tulip blooming' about the growth of Calvinism with the Southern Baptist Church. I find the resurgence of Calvinism in the States as a real encouragement. Here in the UK particularly through a generation of leaders like Martyn Lloyd Jones and John Stott, interest in Calvinism has grown but not amongst the mainline Baptist denominations. It is so encouraging that SBC which was turning liberal a few years ago was rescued through the work of people like Charles Stanley and Al Mohler.
The two main Baptist denominations in the UK, The Baptist Union of Great Britain and the Baptist Union of Scotland are in a situation where they need godly solid theologians to rescue their colleges to the glory of God. Neither BUGB or BUS are particularly reformed and could only be described as evangelical in the broader sense. In the north of Scotland where we live, Baptist churches seem to both conservative evangelical and reformed but sadly this is not the national picture. Oh that God would raise up a new generation of evangelical baptists who will contend for the faith!
Have you heard the MP3's of Mohler describing the pain he went through while turning the college around? Its quite a story.
No I haven't do you have a link?
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