If Santa was really making a list he wouldn't have to check it twice, that's because every single person who has ever lived and is alive today makes the naughty list. However Christmas is about the one exception a baby boy who is Christ the LORD, born without sin into a sinful world. - Roman's 3: 23 says, 'All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. That's pretty bad news, of ourselves we have nothing to sing about at Christmas because we all miss the mark. But here is the good news we are offered a gift, not just any gift but the greatest of all gifts, The baby born is not just Christ and LORD but is also called saviour because he came to save sinners from their sin. The Christ child grew and bore our sins upon the cross, the just for the unjust. So that we can experience Romans 3:24 And are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith'. As the old Christmas Carol, Hark! The herald Angels Sing, reminds us, Christ came to 'raise the sons of earth, come to give us second birth' That is something more wonderful than any gift sat under a tree this Christmas time, that we can be reconciled to God and know his peace. May you know something of that today!
Merry Christmas
Stephen <><