I just love C J Mahaney, he is overwhelming passionate for God and is enthused for God's word and sets my heart on fire. I recently enjoyed his excellent devotional book ,'Living the Cross centred Life' in this book he takes us on a journey through Christ's suffers and what it means for us. The chapter on Gethsemane brought me to my knees in joyful humbled thanksgiving. He starts this chapter by reminding us of the Jesus we have met in the gospels up till this point, a man of strength and assurance. Gethsemane comes as a shock what we find instead of the strong confidence Jesus is Jesus 'greatly distressed and troubled' Mahaney tells us that 'This is a consuming, crushing agony for our Saviour, utterly unlike anything we've previously observed.' (p76) In Gethsemane we met 'Jesus more vulnerable and more human than we've ever known. And we can't escape one question: Why? and he goes onto say why because on the cross Jesus will experience infinitely more than physical discomfort. For on the cross Jesus will experience 'unprecedented suffering of wrath and abandonment. His downward path into those unspeakable depths begins to plunge steeply in this garden called Gethsemane' p78
Mahaney presents us with the idea of Jesus looking into the cup and seeing the wrath, like a whole cup of volcono. 'As one Bible commentator notes, Jesus entered the garden "to be with the Father for an interlude before his betrayal, but found Hell rather than Heaven open before Him." p.81
I can't do justice to Mahaney's little book which comes out of a lifetime of being in love with Jesus, realising that this wrath is what you deserve and yet knowing that the saviour bore in love the cup of God's wrath so that we could live with Him forever.
Mahaney presents us with the idea of Jesus looking into the cup and seeing the wrath, like a whole cup of volcono. 'As one Bible commentator notes, Jesus entered the garden "to be with the Father for an interlude before his betrayal, but found Hell rather than Heaven open before Him." p.81
I can't do justice to Mahaney's little book which comes out of a lifetime of being in love with Jesus, realising that this wrath is what you deserve and yet knowing that the saviour bore in love the cup of God's wrath so that we could live with Him forever.