I remember with horror the first christian tracts I ever saw, I think they are called Chic tracts and contained cartoon pictures in black, white and red. The red often represented blood from the period portrayed in the Left Behind movies and they really needed to be left behind themselves. Living Waters however have produced some attractive gospel tracts in the style of £10 stirling, I found yesterday you can't give them away fast enough. On the reverse they ask the million pound question. Will you go to heaven? It then asks have you ever told a lie, stolen anything, used the LORD's name in vain, or looked at someone lustfully? It then presents the bad news that if you have you are a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart and deserving of hell before articulating the gospel. In the last British census 70 % of people claimed to be Christian probably believing that they are good and that good people go to heaven. This tract shows that we are not good because we all fall short of God's standard. These tracts are a useful tool to awaken the conscience to its need of the good news before presenting it. These tracts are very portable too as they can easily be placed in a wallet but don't try to spend them as it might lead to disappointment.
p.s The note is for one million pounds, I wonder if that is because it has a picture of a credo-baptist on it.